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Light as a feather for Sinful Sunday Week 376

Sinful Sunday Week 376

This may seem a bit of a random image, but it was a bit of an experiment. Firstly I am using new image editing software. Secondly, I need to completely change the way I take photos now, and take them all landscape as opposed to portrait in order to be able to fit the dimensions of my new theme.

I am not the most technically-minded person. Add to that the JetPack issue I have been having, and I was completely baffled about why I could not get my images to work!

But I am not one to give up easily. And yes, I’m supposed to be taking a break from the blog. But I realised I miss it. I like sharing images and writing. I just needed a few days to take a step back and give myself ‘a breather.’

The images of the two feathers represent my two sides. My soft feminine vulnerable side. And my ‘dark side’ (mwah hah hah hah!) When I am given the space to work things out, I can do it. I just need some peace, which is tricky with the little bunny and a Mr Bunny whom need a bit of organising. Luckily, I am taking advantage of my mother-in-law visiting to get this image done!

Click on the lips to see who else is sinning this Sunday!

Sinful Sunday
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One comment

  1. Very pretty image LB – feathers are titivating 😉 x

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