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Heart Shaped Box

Sinful Sunday Week 410: Heart Shaped Box

It’s been 8 weeks since I last posted a Sinful Sunday pic… too long I know 🙁

As Valentine’s Day has been this week, I thought I’d do a themed photo. I found this heart-shaped box when packing some stuff away recently, and it reminded me of the Nirvana song:

She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak.

I’ve been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks.

I’ve been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap.

I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black.

Make of this song what you will; some say it’s about Kurt’s love-hate relationship with Courtney Love. Others say it’s about her vagina.

It’s a pretty dark song full of angst, but it resonates with me. Love is bitter-sweet at times. We take the good with the bad, and even the ugly.

Our hearts yearn for what may ultimately break us. It’s messy, but it can also be beautiful.


Click the lips to see who else is taking part this week:

Sinful Sunday
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About Bunny

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  1. Nirvana created some superb lyrics. This is such a beautiful picture, I love the vivid colours and glimpses of you.


  2. It’s messy, but can also be beautiful….. So very true


  3. What an amazing contrast of purple and red. Lovely image

  4. A lovely shaped box indeed . . . I’m intrigued as to what it contanined?

  5. That last line… I am totally with you! Nice image 🙂

    Rebel xox

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