Taking a sabbatical from the Bunny Rabbit Hole

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Not a goodbye but a sad farewell for the time being

Hi everyone,

My Twitter timeline has been a bit sombre of late, mainly talking about stuff that is going on in real life. What are these things? Firstly, I am attempting to get my three year old potty trained. It’s been going a week, and I can foresee it is going to take some time. Who knows how long. I think if anyone knew the answer to that, parents would at least be able to see that there is a light at the end of the ‘dark tunnel’ that is rushing to the potty, finding you’re too late and having the mess of soiled clothing and furnishings to deal with.

In other areas, Mr Bunny and I are currently wading through all the planning and ‘red tape’ that is associated with some major building works on our home. Chasing people up about various issues is an unrelenting task. I feel like my head is spinning whilst trying to juggle all these things. Not to mention the daily routine of looking after our kid, home and ourselves. Something has had to give. The simplest thing to put to one side for now is this blog. I’m pretty gutted, as I like writing and I am enjoying the new layout. I’d love to do more with the site, as and when I get round to doing them.

At present, it’s hard for me to say how long I’ll be away. I’d really like to be able to pop in on a regular basis, but the short answer is I’m not sure how regular that will be. I wish to thank all of you who’ve supported the blog and I ask you to continue coming back to revisit posts that have been on here a while. When I feel I am managing better I’d like to write some new short stories and reviews. Even add some pictures for Sinful Sunday too!

So, it’s a sad and fond cheerio from me for the time being. I will try to get back on here before too long.

Meanwhile, keep reading some of the other fabulous blogs I’ve linked to on my Share Our Shit Saturday (#SoSS) shout-outs. And pop Down the Bunny Rabbit Hole for some of the ‘archive’ posts whenever you feel like it!

Until I see you again, best wishes,


Luv Bunny xx

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About Bunny

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  1. Best wishes to you too and hope to see you back sooner rather than later.

    Rebel xox

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